
Showing posts from September, 2016


Hello Friends, I know we meet you such a long time but you know  that ganpati festival than it's time to fully enjoyed. spend time to family but we know that vacation are coming  and ganpati bapa bye time but jam-mu kasmir people  not enjoyed this festival because security provided this  festival army man are also take care his security we all wish to the no create issues and drop this topic but more than 50 year not a solved this issues we all know all people  are same but mentality are different than create about this issue but god pray complete this problem than student and  all people are happy and celebrate all festival enjoyed and  happy for its family.kashmir this word is so beautiful you  know gujarati says,"Bharat nu swarg che kashmir!!",but this time to not a safe people for this swarg sometime  create issues than fear of children and little babies.